Tuesday, August 15, 2017

What I honestly think of myself.

I haven’t had much to write about lately because I had a car accident shortly after I broke up with my X B/F. It’s cool though because I came out mostly unscathed and had been compensated. Now I have no vehicle and not enough independence I can’t experience life like I used to So I constantly re-evaluate myself as a person. It’s a catch 22 because there is always going to be an upside and downside to it all among st other things in this life.

First, The Downsides:

  • I have anxiety and depression, which is a lot of baggage for many people. It’s crazy because there are people who don’t seem to want to stick around. They feel they have to deal with it just by being there. But the I wonder ‘for how long?’ You see people always want to take the easy way out to make their lives easier. I am guilty of it because I sometimes want to escape myself. Therefore sometimes I do feel alone despite who is left to stick around.
  • I sometimes beat myself up because I sometimes do things that I regret. It makes me feel like people have got the wrong impression of me all the time and I am always constantly feeling like I have to prove myself. I try my best not to worry about what others think of me. But it’s hard because all I ever wanted was to be more accepted.
  • I sometimes have body issues, But who doesn’t. I accept what I can’t change.
  • I sometimes trust too easily therefore I hurt myself because I still have a lot to learn about life.

The Upsides:

  • I try to think of my good personality traits that make some people can or may benefit from. I do see myself as a kind, caring, compassionate person who is funny when they don’t mean to be funny and does the best they can to be anyone’s confidant. If I listed anymore I’d be labeled egotistical.
  • Then I think of my favorite body parts...well the parts that are attached to me. I feel fortunate to have a nice face and that I have lost weight. I like my hands, my arms. Those are my favorites.
  • Then I look at the things I can do. I can sing, songwriting, play guitar, Be a great radio DJ. Those are the things that make me feel good.
  • I then finally look at what I have. I may not have a car or a partner in my life. But I do have my job, my family and even a few friends I have kept in what is left in my friend circle.

So Me, myself and I. We don’t always get along. But this is another great form of unconditional love. When I am happy I love myself better. When I am sad I even distance myself from myself including others. I guess you could say it was more of love/hate relationship. After all the blogs I have shared with you may think that you feel like know me already. But even I have a lot to learn about myself and that is a lesson you never stop learning.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

How to love yourself

I just got over a break-up and have broken ties with many people who may threaten my ability to be who I am today. Just talking to a family member I realize how much I love myself again and this is not in a narcissistic way!

Give yourself some affirmations. What do you like about yourself? What makes you feel good as a individual. What are your strongest personality traits that make you strong and positive? When we concentrate on the positives we feel more empowered to keep going and to keep on living life the way that we see fit. Grab a notepad and write it all down and it will all be integrated with who you really are.

Take action and take charge of yourself.
What are you going to achieve? Think of the end result! What result do YOU want with everything in life? 

Be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. Treat yourself to one small simple pleasure. Go all out and find your self romance. You might want to run yourself a bath with candles and music, you might want to take yourself out shopping online or in the flesh. you might want to save up to take yourself to a retreat to take care of your soul and spiritual well-being. whatever you are into there are so many ways.

YOU ARE ENOUGH without limits.  Which is a lot! You have a lot more to offer the world than you realize. You don't have to be anymore than you need to be and you don't have to feel like you are not enough to anyone. Because you are the opposite!

Free yourself and take charge of your life. These points evaluate how great you will feel about yourself. NEVER constantly feel or think you are not inadequate and worthless to others. When you feel the realization with pure conviction you will know when and how you will love yourself. feel that self worth flowing into you like fresh air pouring into your lungs. Embrace what you feel is important TO YOU. Make yourself inferior without being in competition with others including yourself. Make some time for yourself and stress less.

We all have our own definition of what we feel makes us who we ad find our own way to cope with things in life in our ow way. Make yourself happy!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Top Mistakes People make in Relationships with Others.

"It doesn't matter what kind of  couple you are there is always love 
and when there are any problems there are always better ways to solve them. - TheJuZShoW. 
Pic: https://www.tumblr.com/search/lesbian%20hold%20hands )

I recently broke up with my boyfriend, which ended in a civil way. It made me really think that most some people don’t really know how to treat a woman. Agree to disagree. But here are the things that men and people do in relationships which I strongly hate. Both men and women should read this. Then, I’ll go over the things that are better. Agree or disagree.

Wrong Communication

1. Don’t EVER tell us in any way that you can find anyone else you want. You may think it might make your parter feel like we are the only ones. But this is not the case! It actually question your commitment towards them and even worse shows that you are not committed enough at all!

What is better?
The best thing you can do is not say this at all during conflicts. How about you voice your emotions about the conflicts that arise in the relationship and tell us how something makes you feel. People can be very compassionate and can empathize with others and would be more likely to understand your concerns.

2. Don’t EVER Tell us we need to do something when it relates to our body images for Example: You need to go to the gym more or you need to do this or that. You might think that you are trying to help us. But this makesyour partner feel like that we are not good enough to be with you and just makes them feel extremely small and worthless.

What is better?
Here is a better approach. If you parter is trying to do something active be more supportive and tell them that they did well and how, maybe go into detail as to why your partner went well. This gives your partner a sense of empowerment and accomplishment. Compliments like this will get you somewhere and maybe into the bedroom if you are lucky!


1. Don’t EVER tell your partner to take action, listen and obey. What are we? Kids? You gotta be kidding me!
This shows a lot of controlling behavior and often shows that you are telling your partener off about the mistakes being made.

Telling your partner this is not making us learn our mistakes.

2. Don’t EVER spend 5 hours trying to talk your partner down. It doesn’t work and again it shows you are controlling. BIG TURN OFF!

What is better?
Again, voice your emotions IE Say “It makes me feel upset when you do this and I think it would be better if you did this or we did this”
Sometimes constructive criticism is not as harsh as criticism itself!

Wrong Action

1. Don’t EVER make excuses to why you can’t be with someone. Yes your patner may understand that you are busy. But it makes them feel kind of unwanted and like they are wasting your time waiting for you to come home.

What is better?
It would be nice if you made more time for us and integrated us into your busy schedule. Also getting home on the time you say are getting on time you say you are would be really helpful.

2. Don’t EVER show infidelity. If you do not show affection or tell your partner you love  them, etc. they will find out.

What is better?
Fess up as to why the relationship isn’t going well. Can we fix the relationshp? Be honest!
Show fidelity! Stay faithful!

Bad Temper

1. Nothing is more of a turn off when a partner looses their cool in front of you and angrily knocks things related to the problem out of the way and throws them around. So what if you can’t get your BBQ to work or we spill something on your favorite things IE a car or couch . It’s trivial. Get over it! Because of our empathy and compassion your partner can get quite anxious, upset and feed of the anger. No one likes seeing their partner like this.

What is better?
Try to stay cool and civil during conflict. If something happens to us consider your partner first rather than materialistic things first.

I am sure that all these things will raise a lot of other concerns in a relationship and can strike up one hell of a conversation. So talk it out. What else do you think a big no no in a relationship? Talk to your friends, your family and of course your partner/spouse. Make sure you get male and female perspectives and opinions. It’s one of the best ways to find a solution to many things! How are you going to handle it?

Foxtel. Independant blog

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