Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Break Ups: The Art of Being Lonely

I recently broke up with my boyfriend, whom I had loved for 13 months. Why? Because he wasn't spending enough time with me and has said some terrible things. Now I am learning how to cope with being lonely again.

You realize how strange it feels to be without the person you once loved. You miss the romance and the companionship you once had and can't help remember the good times and the bad times.
You realize how strange it feels to feel lonely. You are not used to doing what you want and try to find the right head space to go back to where you were. One thing I really miss are the cuddles. The rest is history.

Being lonely isn't always within your control. It's the course of nature within being human. It comes and goes. When it comes sometimes it stays for a long time. Loneliness can bring sadness. It can bring anxiety. But can teach you more about you as a person as much as any other emotion. Therefore it can also bring some kind of independence. There comes a time where you come to accept an emotion while it's there when you feel like you have no choice.

I thought I was being treated better in my previous relationship and thought I could give my EX boyfriend the benefit of the doubt.  Now I realize how I was really being treated without being blinded by love again. I loved this man so much and I still do. But reality has it that it would not have worked out if I moved in or even had his baby. It would of been great if I even got an apology from this person. But what difference would it make now?

I think that there are a lot of men that have no Idea how to treat women in relationships and think that what they say and do is the right thing. I will explain in one of my next blogs of the top mistakes people make in relationships.


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