Monday, November 27, 2017

The Day in the life of a Bisexual.


In my years bisexuality had become apart of my personal life. I learn't the differences between experiences between men and women and how it all defined this life. I read a blog about why bisexuals always get such a hard time and it made me do lots of contemplating.

But before I get into my daily experiences I will tell you my story:

Before I became even curious I had never heard of bi sexuality until I was in high school. It was in a place where it was just starting to become more common and I ended up fantasising the possibility that I too might be bisexual. I didn’t have any proper experiences til I was in my early to mid 20s. (I am now in my 30s) . It took me years to finally know what I was and when I did I came out to my mother. It wasn’t until very very recently she started to believe that it was not a phase and that it is actually apart of who I really am. After I got out of my last relationship she ended up supporting it and asking about whether I should find a girlfriend to have a relationship with. I proved to myself in the past that I can also fall in love with a woman.

My Experiences along with society views

My daily experiences as a bi sexual is a no different compared to a straight or gay person’s. I work a job, I pay my bills, I look after my family and friends if they need me. I live in my own place and own a driver’s licence, which are all seemly normal things. I have a personality that goes unchanged (unless I want it to). I am human. According to some blogs bisexuals are prone to sexual abuse and deal with the confusion from society of whether it is real or a phase. When I was in my previous relationship my Ex Boyfriend had also said that I would be most suited to be with a woman. I wasn’t sure why he’d say that considering at the time he was the only one I wanted to be with. But sometimes it goes to show how stupid society really is in my books.
My whole life I have not been seriously sexually abused or harassed physically or emotionally in this way. Or though the confusion from this society does piss me off because it makes me feel a little less accepted.

It seems that being gay or straight is far more acceptable than being bi. The blog I was reading is right. We do need to do more research into these things and as carefully as you would research anything else. The world is becoming a different place. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. We have no control over it. But we can read about it and think long and hard before we choose to make any decisions or have any future opinions about something...or anything for the matter. Have an open mind people! All we wanted was more acceptance. We are not confused.We  feel it so it is REAL.

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