Saturday, February 17, 2018

Foxtel. Independant blog

IQ 3 picture:
Wheelie Bin Picture :

Back in 2015 I had decided to get pay T.V as a reward to myself for going a whole year without alcohol. I had a door-to-door sales representative offer me a great tv package deal and a 6 month contract. But now this reward has turned the opposite direction.

I am currently paying 20 dollars a month on this T.V service. I have 2 entertainment packages, a movie package and a music package. They pay me quarterly (55 dollars every three months), which seems like a lot but here is the reality.

  • You get the same amount of adds as you’d see on free to air TV
  • You have to pay more for add ons such as, adding another Channel, broadband adding another TV Package. This is on-top of your monthly subscription.
  • You get expencive late fees.
  • Poor streaming quality: Buffering inbetween streams, no reception when it’s raining as water running off satellite dish, playback quality on picture not very clear.

I honestly feel like I am being punished as a customer as a result. I also learned that it is party owned By Rupert Murdoch, Owning 100 percent of Foxtel Sports and partially owning Foxtel itself. (according to my online resources)

Foxtel’s customer service is OK though. However there used to be a number where you would be-able to call 24/7 and get more help. They changed this back in 2014. Why? Seems to be the million dollar question. I tried calling their 131 999 number twice to see if I could get around their trading hours and find another part of the call center to see if I could still disconnect their services. Turns out that if I need help on a Sunday now I guess I am stuck with the service another day. How appalling!

So I look into their competitors, who offer better streaming quality and charge nearly half the price. Complete opposite right?

I reckon that cable T.V is going down the drain as a result of all this. There are far more TV streaming options now. They won’t be able to keep up if they can’t meet with the customers needs.
They have certainly not met up with mine.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

“Corked” Aromatherapy pens independent blog

I was scrolling down facebook and saw the adds for “Corked” which are a company that sells aromatherapy pens online. I was curious so I thought I’d read about it and give it a try.

Before you read on Aromatherapy pens look a bit like a vaping pen or a bit like a cigarette that contain these natural mixes from elements that you would have with burning essential oils/sented candles etc that are supposed to benefit your life somehow. They DO NOT contain nicotine or any addictive drugs. You smoke it like a cigarette, which doesn’t make you look like you have a good reputation. I am amazed that there are some people out there who do it and seem to benefit from it.

I tried to research all this to look for independent blogs and videos to see if there were any negative reviews. There are very few independent video blogs on it and almost no written blogs on it. But there is a bit of mixed opinions. Some people believe it is a gateway to smoking cigarettes etc. Some people who have tried the product believe that it has actually benefited their life somehow and their videos seem convincing. This is when I decided to try it to see for myself.

Sp I myself bought this product to try all their flavours so see if it helped me in anyway. There are 6 different ones: You have alive, refresh, ecstasy, meditate, trance and mix of the month (which could be any other new blend that they have made) .
They say that you shouldn’t inhale this in as you’re supposed to draw it IN the mouth a breathe out through the nose...not breathe into the lungs. However I tried this method and felt that I wasn’t getting any benefits at all. Instead I went against what was advised and tried doing a gentle full inhale of each product and had noticed SOME small benefits.

I found out what worked with me was alive, meditate and trance.

I sometimes have a lot of trouble with sleep and anxiety even on my antidepressants, which often leads me to waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, come back to bed and not really get enough sleep or just have a broken sleep. I Found that Meditate and Trance (which contain lavender, valerian etc) helped me because I took it about 20mins before bed. After a few nights of repeated use I started to sleep all the way through the night again.

The next one called “Alive” also benefited me even though I knew I didn’t need it. I’d take it when I am fresh out of bed in the morning and would feel a bit more effective than having a cup of coffee. But it seems to only work I am half asleep.

The other ones such as “refresh” , “ecstasy” and “mix of the month” had NO effect on me so I stopped using them.

Corked is definitely no miracle. But it might be a better alternative to smoking cigarettes and cigars.
I wouldn’t recommend taking this up. But Burning essential oils are more effective. I like the idea this company had. But it’s not a good influence. The product is NOT clinically proven yet and results may vary from person to person. I took part in this without any expectations. I will probably continue the use of this product as needed until proper scientific research has been done that proves that this is not as good for you health has you’d think. But at this stage you don't know unless you give the product a try.

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Day in the life of a Bisexual.


In my years bisexuality had become apart of my personal life. I learn't the differences between experiences between men and women and how it all defined this life. I read a blog about why bisexuals always get such a hard time and it made me do lots of contemplating.

But before I get into my daily experiences I will tell you my story:

Before I became even curious I had never heard of bi sexuality until I was in high school. It was in a place where it was just starting to become more common and I ended up fantasising the possibility that I too might be bisexual. I didn’t have any proper experiences til I was in my early to mid 20s. (I am now in my 30s) . It took me years to finally know what I was and when I did I came out to my mother. It wasn’t until very very recently she started to believe that it was not a phase and that it is actually apart of who I really am. After I got out of my last relationship she ended up supporting it and asking about whether I should find a girlfriend to have a relationship with. I proved to myself in the past that I can also fall in love with a woman.

My Experiences along with society views

My daily experiences as a bi sexual is a no different compared to a straight or gay person’s. I work a job, I pay my bills, I look after my family and friends if they need me. I live in my own place and own a driver’s licence, which are all seemly normal things. I have a personality that goes unchanged (unless I want it to). I am human. According to some blogs bisexuals are prone to sexual abuse and deal with the confusion from society of whether it is real or a phase. When I was in my previous relationship my Ex Boyfriend had also said that I would be most suited to be with a woman. I wasn’t sure why he’d say that considering at the time he was the only one I wanted to be with. But sometimes it goes to show how stupid society really is in my books.
My whole life I have not been seriously sexually abused or harassed physically or emotionally in this way. Or though the confusion from this society does piss me off because it makes me feel a little less accepted.

It seems that being gay or straight is far more acceptable than being bi. The blog I was reading is right. We do need to do more research into these things and as carefully as you would research anything else. The world is becoming a different place. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. We have no control over it. But we can read about it and think long and hard before we choose to make any decisions or have any future opinions about something...or anything for the matter. Have an open mind people! All we wanted was more acceptance. We are not confused.We  feel it so it is REAL.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween in Australia? I’m confused!

In the Past 3 years or more I had discovered that Australians are now starting to celebrate Halloween in Australia especially the children. Some people are against it. I am Australian myself and I am completely confused!

Before I get into detail this is what Halloween is. It is a Celtic tradition that marks the start of a new season. Americans believe that doing it wards off all kinds evil. As we all know that the tradition involves dressing up into a costume, have parties and decorate your homes, the kids go trick or treating and knock on people doors for candy.

When I was growing up:

I was a child of the 80s/90s I had absolutely no idea what Halloween was nor had any understanding of what it entailed. Then I started seeing some American TV shows that had their Halloween specials being aired. I had a talk with my mother and she agreed to make me my first costume. I decided to go as a Ghost for a few hours. I never went trick or treating to decorated our house. It was very rare that we had trick or treaters knocking on our door at night and if we did we had no candy for them! I was raised that is was more of an American tradition.

So this is where my confusion sets in.

Why don’t we celebrate it? I was once told that they never would of thought to have witches in Australia. Now we have more media on board with it alongside having more and more trick or treaters knocking on our door every year. But there are so many mixed opinions now. Some people here still don’t celebrate it and treat Oct 31st just like an ordinary day. Some have kids who fear missing out of having a bit of extra fun and want to be included, which is fair enough. Some people are undecided like myself.

Choice or Burden?

I am personally not against the tradition because I love to dress up, but most of the time I do it anyway because I am a bit of a goth. But sometimes it just doesn’t feel right when that date comes along all because of how I was raised. I have a lot of American friends and they can’t believe that most of us originally never celebrated it. No offence to them. But the Americans and the media love to go all out when it comes to traditions. It is definitely a cultural thing. But At the end of the day the Celtic started it. Then everybody else just followed through. There have been debates on Wether to ban it in Australia. But Australians are becoming more multicultural and more fluid because we have people from all over the world starting a new life here including Americans, Irish etc. We can’t ban a tradition because of our values and when everyone is having fun. That would be cruel. So if you can’t beat them why not join them? In my opinion Celebrating Halloween in Australia is a choice. Not a burden.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Marriage Equality: Why I vote YES!

I live in a country where Same sex marriages are illegal and it was enforced by the liberal government several years ago because of christian principles. And now the LGBTI community have been rallying all over the country to help legalize it so that they can have the same rights as people in straight Marriages, which they have been trying for years. We also have been making postal votes. Should it be legalize? Yes or no.

My view

I believe that this law should have NOT been enforced in the first place. Not only you take away their right to get married. But it also is a big headache for many other legal reasons. You also take away their right to be more accepted into society. This law is inhumaine and has kind of made the LGBTI community ostracized and like they can’t be open about their sexuality. Why should the government control how we get married in this world?

I voted yes to same sex marriage because I feel that everyone should have the right to get married. I want the LGBTI community to be just as much apart of our society. I also feel that it will alleviate some of the hate and crime that we have going on related to this issue. Society is becoming more accepting and I believe we all need to co exist. It’s about inclusion and treating everyone like human beings. I am hoping that it will create more peace and serenity to the world. Ostracizing LGBTI communities from this right is like firing someone from their job because they are black or white or from another country or even wearing shoes that do not affect how the person works. Your sexuality does not affect who you are or what you do. Our children are NOT damaged by this community because they have shown that they accept people unconditionally and we should be the same. I hope that if they do legalize it that they don’t change it back or ever touch it. It’s not about religion anymore.

Life is crazy and too short. Be kind to one another.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

What I honestly think of myself.

I haven’t had much to write about lately because I had a car accident shortly after I broke up with my X B/F. It’s cool though because I came out mostly unscathed and had been compensated. Now I have no vehicle and not enough independence I can’t experience life like I used to So I constantly re-evaluate myself as a person. It’s a catch 22 because there is always going to be an upside and downside to it all among st other things in this life.

First, The Downsides:

  • I have anxiety and depression, which is a lot of baggage for many people. It’s crazy because there are people who don’t seem to want to stick around. They feel they have to deal with it just by being there. But the I wonder ‘for how long?’ You see people always want to take the easy way out to make their lives easier. I am guilty of it because I sometimes want to escape myself. Therefore sometimes I do feel alone despite who is left to stick around.
  • I sometimes beat myself up because I sometimes do things that I regret. It makes me feel like people have got the wrong impression of me all the time and I am always constantly feeling like I have to prove myself. I try my best not to worry about what others think of me. But it’s hard because all I ever wanted was to be more accepted.
  • I sometimes have body issues, But who doesn’t. I accept what I can’t change.
  • I sometimes trust too easily therefore I hurt myself because I still have a lot to learn about life.

The Upsides:

  • I try to think of my good personality traits that make some people can or may benefit from. I do see myself as a kind, caring, compassionate person who is funny when they don’t mean to be funny and does the best they can to be anyone’s confidant. If I listed anymore I’d be labeled egotistical.
  • Then I think of my favorite body parts...well the parts that are attached to me. I feel fortunate to have a nice face and that I have lost weight. I like my hands, my arms. Those are my favorites.
  • Then I look at the things I can do. I can sing, songwriting, play guitar, Be a great radio DJ. Those are the things that make me feel good.
  • I then finally look at what I have. I may not have a car or a partner in my life. But I do have my job, my family and even a few friends I have kept in what is left in my friend circle.

So Me, myself and I. We don’t always get along. But this is another great form of unconditional love. When I am happy I love myself better. When I am sad I even distance myself from myself including others. I guess you could say it was more of love/hate relationship. After all the blogs I have shared with you may think that you feel like know me already. But even I have a lot to learn about myself and that is a lesson you never stop learning.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

How to love yourself

I just got over a break-up and have broken ties with many people who may threaten my ability to be who I am today. Just talking to a family member I realize how much I love myself again and this is not in a narcissistic way!

Give yourself some affirmations. What do you like about yourself? What makes you feel good as a individual. What are your strongest personality traits that make you strong and positive? When we concentrate on the positives we feel more empowered to keep going and to keep on living life the way that we see fit. Grab a notepad and write it all down and it will all be integrated with who you really are.

Take action and take charge of yourself.
What are you going to achieve? Think of the end result! What result do YOU want with everything in life? 

Be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. Treat yourself to one small simple pleasure. Go all out and find your self romance. You might want to run yourself a bath with candles and music, you might want to take yourself out shopping online or in the flesh. you might want to save up to take yourself to a retreat to take care of your soul and spiritual well-being. whatever you are into there are so many ways.

YOU ARE ENOUGH without limits.  Which is a lot! You have a lot more to offer the world than you realize. You don't have to be anymore than you need to be and you don't have to feel like you are not enough to anyone. Because you are the opposite!

Free yourself and take charge of your life. These points evaluate how great you will feel about yourself. NEVER constantly feel or think you are not inadequate and worthless to others. When you feel the realization with pure conviction you will know when and how you will love yourself. feel that self worth flowing into you like fresh air pouring into your lungs. Embrace what you feel is important TO YOU. Make yourself inferior without being in competition with others including yourself. Make some time for yourself and stress less.

We all have our own definition of what we feel makes us who we ad find our own way to cope with things in life in our ow way. Make yourself happy!

Foxtel. Independant blog

IQ 3 picture: Wheelie Bin Picture : http://...